Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Naturally Powerful

1.What Is POWER..?

"POWER is the first good" as it is essential for achieving every other good. Out of the wellspring of personal power are born loving relationship, success that fulfills, vibrant health, mental agility, financial prosperity, a buoyant sense of well being, and an enlivening connection with one's spirit.
Power is a force us direct through our actions, which affects us, others, and events. Do we have power ? Absolutely ! As our bird right and spiritual heritage, each of us is given the potential to be completely powerful, and we spend the rest of our lives discovering our power and learning how to use it constructively.

Power could be good or bad either, it is like electricity. It is how we use our power that determines its negative or positive impact. People who use their power to manipulate or exploit others give power a bad name. Their actions make it seem as if POWER is destructive, which make good-hearted people less inclined to become powerful. The truth is, people who resort to abusing or taking advantage of others are not powerful enough.

People who have developed only a small portion of power available to them, attempt to make up for their lack of power by either taking other people's power, or preventing them from using it. The power they take is often in the form of money, energy, property, self esteem, willpower, health, or trust.
People who have an abundance of power have neither the need nor the desire to succeed at the expense of others, because they have confidence in their ability to achieve what they want through their own positive action

"Being powerful is the willingness and ability to take constructive action to enhance one's well-being and the well-being of others, now and in the future".

The cornerstone of the definition is taking of constructive action. Power is expressed through action. Those who do not act are not powerful. We might have the most brilliant idea for feeding the world's hungry, but if we do not take steps to actualize it, it comes to naught, and we have not been powerful.

Constructive means that the action enhances the well-being of all concern, not just the person initiating the action, or an elite view. If a business transaction increases our profits and those of a handful of investor, but creates hardship or deprivation for others, or injures the earth, we have not acted powerfully. Nor can the gain be positive for the short term, but then turn exploitive down the road. Well-being must be increased not only in persent, but in the future. A truly powerful action does not impede power, but paves the way for future powerful actions.

A naturally powerful person possesses both the willingness and the ability to act positively. Power itself can seem ineffable and elusive because, like the wind, we cannot see it, we can only feel it and see the effects of it.
Power maybe intangible, but it is very real. In physics, power is defined as a system's capacity for doing work, be it an engine or a body. The strength of system's power measured according to the amount of energy emits in a given period of time.

The more energy we are capable of expending in a given period of time, and the more effective the result, the more powerful we are. Where do we find the energy ?Physicists have determined that the entire universe is energy. Matter, which appear solid, is actually stored energy moving very slowly. This means that energy is everywhere around us, in the sun, air, water, food, the earth, plants, animals, birds, and insects.


Like having an engine in our car or electricity, we need power to operate our life. Without it we can be left in the dark, we don't move forward, and living our life is much more difficult.
If we become disconnected from power, or have lost what it takes to turn it on, our life will let us know. Here are some of the conditions that signal the need to plug into power :

= Unable to create the resources and opportunity we need
= Relationships are fraught with conflict
= Chronic illness
= Waking up feeling apprehensive and tense
= A sense of being overwhelmed by life
= Often feeling sad, unhappy, or depressed
= Struggling to achieve our goals
= Being disappointed by people
= Not having as much love as we want
= Being angry with people, situations, and life
= Feeling separate and alienated.

Not only do we need power to turn these conditions around, but we are living in a time when life is becoming more accelerated and condensed, which creates an even greater need for power. The events we experience in a day might have taken 2 weeks to transpire a hundred years ago. A process that might have taken a year to unfold then, might take 2 months now...!!

The centrifugal force produced by this acceleration is causing people and events to spin away from their centers and out to extremes. let's take a look to the rapid changes taking place in the fields of communication and technology are polarizing people around the globe into those who have access to information and those who do not .

Economic changes are polarizing people into those who have money to buy food, shelter, health, freedom, tools, and security, and those who do not have enough money to cover basic necessities.
The effect of polarization apply not only to material assets, but to mental, emotional, and spiritual assets as well. Some people are becoming more intelligent , and others are becoming less intelligent. Some people are becoming more loving, others are becoming more angry. Some people are becoming more sensitive , others are are becoming more obtuse. Some people are becoming more connected to the Creator, and others are becoming more separated. However, it is possible that this intense polarization is prelude to greater harmony, the dark before the dawn.

Those who give their power away to gloom and doom could create the very experiences they fear, but those who embrace and express their true power can experience transcendent changes in consciousness. It is as if the world itself is issuing a mandate : To successfully meet the complex challenges of life now and in the future, people must become the powerful beings they are meant to be. Without it to act constructively a great deal can be lost, or not attained.


Genuine power enriches every aspect of our life on every level, when we are connected to our power we are able to manifest the love, vibrant health, abundant material resources, fulfilling relationships, and success we desire. When we are physically powerful our body is fit, well coordinated, and well-nourished, and we are able to easily and efficiently accomplish physical activities. We have achieve such over all physical strength because we have exercised our whole body and provide it with healthy, high energy fuel. If we were to exercise only part of our body, other key area would be undeveloped and weak, causing our body to function improperly and inefficiently.

The same principles apply to the four dimensions of our being : body, mind, heart, and spirit- which are simply different parts of the same system, just as the different parts of our body belong to the same physical system.
If we are exercising our mind but not our spirit, our whole system becomes out of kilter and cannot function effectively. If we nourished our body but starve our emotions, we will not have the energy we need to be completely successful. We have probably noticed people whose systems are not healthy and harmony, and so are disconnected from their power. They look tired and gray, and their eyes are lifeless. Powerful people glow with energy of well-being and their eyes bright and lively.

The actions in Naturally Powerful are designed to exercise the major muscle groups of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies, making them strong and balanced so they can function in unison.
Some of the benefits we might experience are :

= Enhanced self-image
= Raised success consciousness
= Clearer thinking
= Improved communications skills
= Improve ability to manage emotions
= Reduced stress
= Ability to take risks that further growth
= Stronger positive intention
= Respect in the body in which we live
= Respect for the planet in which we live
= Deeper compassion
= Revived intuition
= Willingness to make ethical choices
= Being more responsible
= Increased Creativity
= Being a better problem solver
= Expanded awareness of self, others, our world, and the Creator

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